Sunday, October 9, 2011

Weapon - LED lighting manufacturers industry

Compared to the popular some time ago, the most recent public opinion for the LED lighting manufacturers market gradually moving to rational.
In an article on "LED cool thinking under the boom", the music one hundred for Xiaobian that: LED lighting, good prospects, LED lighting will replace the traditional lighting in the next product, "How can the vision of this beautiful into reality, "Every moment has become involved in the production, processing and marketing of LED lighting products, merchants must think about.
As we all know, we and foreign counterparts, research and development in LED technology is not dominant, which is why the current market, there will be flooding in low-end products near high-end product but it is rare situation. High levels of foreign investment impact on the fragile products of the domestic market, monopolizing most of the market share. How can we Bode place? How can increasing competition in the LED market today, so that Yang has been long, to avoid our own weaknesses, the weaknesses into strengths, improve their market competitiveness? Le Bai Xiao Bian recommended for the majority of businesses can try the following three aspects:
First, ensure product quality seriously do
LED manufacturers to ensure the production of LED products, excellent quality, which is the follow-up to enter the LED market, a prerequisite for participation in competition in the industry. No technical advantage of us, if we can not guarantee the quality of their products, processes, and speak to compete with similar products, but even the market does not knock the doors open.
Either East or West, has "a sub-price goods," saying, and because we have been a "cheap" way to gain market share, while a large number of fake and shoddy products, the market objective existence, leading many consumers misunderstanding for domestic goods, under the same conditions and thus more likely to choose foreign similar products. So Le Bai Gong Xiao Bian that, if we can make the product in earnest, to ensure the quality of their products, not fraud, the trust of consumers, so that even if we lack the technology to do high-end products, but also to seize certain market share, continue to make business development and growth.
Second, market segmentation to customer needs as a guide
With excellent quality products at guaranteed a relatively stable market share, the music one hundred for small series that, LED production and sales of businesses can be broken down all of its markets, to the actual needs of customers for the production of guidance, to enhance their business competitiveness.
Market segmentation refers to marketers through market research, based on consumer needs and desires, buying behavior and buying habits and other differences, the overall market of a product into the market a number of consumer groups classification process. Each group is a consumer market segments, each segment is a tendency of consumers with similar needs groups composed.
For example, such as the now 80,90 for the manifestation of personality is concerned, for those distinctive, unique style of products are more popular. LED business may wish to match up, to design different from the traditional style lighting fixtures. Businesses have been made such as "floating balloon moon LED street lights face lights personalized car" (see below), and so on.

Third, the industry alliance to expand their own brand
As the saying goes "a hero 3 help, a fence three pile." Since the state of the LED bulb supplier industry is also gradually improving industry standards, local governments or manufacturers are to develop standards according to their own operation, so now most domestic LED business has not formed an effective industry alliance, strong in foreign under the impact of the hands can easily lose market share. So Le Bai for Xiaobian that we need to have an 'hand in hand back "of the Industrial Union, in the snatch on the basis of market share can also effectively resist the high-tech products for foreign markets to erode. In addition, we also need to establish their own state-owned brand (must be based on excellent quality products), in order to facilitate and enhance consumer recognition for products, improve market Analysis of degree.
In summary, despite the current LED lighting suppliers market is more competitive, but it is not no way to respond to. Man proposes, God, our analysis only calm the market, and continuously improve their competitiveness to be able to fight in the brutal business to get a place.

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